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Katie Shreve Simpkins

Headshot of emily with Woodburn Hall in the background

Degree: B.S. Animal & Nutritional Sciences, Equine Studies minor with an emphasis in equine science, May 2016

Career: Katie graduated from the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in May 2020. She is now a Veterinary Associate at Newton Veterinary Clinic and Effingham Veterinary Clinic where she practices mixed animal medicine. 

Internships/Undergraduate Research: During undergrad Katie took advantage of opportunities including animal related courses, the pre-vet club, and attending guest lectures and demos. She shadowed multiple veterinarians at different practices, including small animal, mixed animal and large animal practices. She also participated in a summer dairy heifer undergraduate research project at the WVU Animal Sciences farm and was part of a foal watch team at the horse unit. WVU's encouragement to study abroad afforded her the opportunity to observe animal science and veterinary medicine in such areas as Trinidad and Tobago, Eastern Europe, and Ireland. 

WVU Student Organizations: During her time at WVU, Katie balanced academics, campus life, and volunteering with various philanthropic projects, including the women's fraternity, Kappa Kappa Gamma. She served as Vice President of Organization (VPO) for Kappa. Katie credits being a member and serving as VPO with improving her communication, organizational skills, team-building skills, and learning to deal with compromise. She was also involved in the Pre-Vet Club, Order of Omega, Mountaineer Maniacs, and National Society of Collegiate Scholars.

About Attending WVU: “My undergraduate years at WVU provided me the educational foundation to be accepted in vet school. The course work in Animal & Nutritional Sciences and the Equine Studies minor truly prepared me to pursue my lifelong dream to become a veterinarian. If I were to give advice to anyone, whether you are a freshmen or a senior, is put yourself out there, get to know your professors and fellow classmates. Join as many organizations as you can juggle, while still maintaining the coursework. If you follow your dreams and have that goal set in your mind, everything else will fall into place.”